The Return of the Native

The Return of the Native The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Return of the Native is one of Thomas Hardy’s “novels of character and environment” set in Wessex. It comes after Far from the Madding Crowd and is followed by the Mayor of Casterbridge. The “native” mentioned in the title is Clym Yeobright who returns to the Egdon Heath after having lived and worked in Paris. But he is not happy with his life in Paris; instead he wants to pursue a dream of becoming a school teacher.

Clym’s cousin Thomasin is supposed to have married Damon Wildeve, but something has gone wrong with the paperwork, and she rides back home with Diggory Venn, the reddleman. Venn has asked Thomasin to marry him in the past, but was turned down. Wildeve is attracted to Eustacia Vye, and so has mixed feelings about marrying Thomasin. This is the environment to which Clym is returning.

I won’t go much beyond this because potential spoilers, but Clym, Thomasin, Eustacia and Wildeve form a sort of lover’s quadrangle which is not very stable. When we add in Clym’s mother, Mrs Yeobright and Diggory Venn and of course the heath itself, it is an interesting and compelling story.

I read this book many years ago and I found it just as exciting as I did then. It’s definitely worth reading; I think it is one of Hardy’s better novels.

Far from the Madding Crowd

Far from the Madding CrowdFar from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Far from the Madding Crowd is another of Hardy’s series of novels set in Wessex; it follows Under the Greenwood Tree and precedes The Return of the Native in his novels of “character and environment.” Set in the 1840s, we meet Bathsheba Everdene, who has inherited her uncle’s farm in Weatherbury and Gabriel Oak, a farmer who has some misfortunes and loses his farm and his social status.

Bathsheba eventually finds herself with three potential suitors: Farmer Boldwood who owns the adjoining farm, Sergeant Troy whose regiment is based in the area and Gabriel. We also meet a girl, Fanny Robin, who plays an important role in the development of the story.

I can’t go much beyond that, for fear of spoilers, but I really enjoyed reading this book again after many years. One of the things that I found interesting, is how the landscape with the natural cycle of the seasons is present in the novel; almost as if the landscape is an additional character.

Lent Devotion 2022

Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the skillful; but time and chance happen to them all.

Ecclesiastes 9:11

As a runner, I always keep an eye out for Bible passages that mention running or races, and this one caught my eye the last time I read Ecclesiastes. I like this verse because it seems to describe a lot of what we see here in our earthly lives, “under the sun,” as the writer says.

When we rely on our own abilities, the results are not always what we hope for, even if we are skilled or wise or strong or swift. Our best plans can sometimes go completely wrong. In our world, “time and chance” can make all of our wisdom or training or intelligence useless. It is only by relying on God that we can be sure that we will reach our goals.

I’ve run in many races over the years. On race day, when I line up with the other runners for the start, I know that no matter how much I’ve trained, what happens next is mostly out of my control – time and chance. So, before the start I pray that God will watch over all of us and keep us safe on the course, and that He will help me to make good decisions during the race and that I will run the best race that I can. I’m not a very fast runner, so there is very little chance of me winning the race, but with God’s help, it can be a great experience.

Dear Lord, thank You for all the skills and talents that you have given to us. Please help us to recognize the limits of our abilities, and help us to put our trust in You. Amen.

Lent Devotion 2021

He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless.
Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted;
but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:29-31

As a runner, I always keep an eye out for passages in the Bible that mention running; I like this one a lot. Running can be a lot like life in general. Sometimes when I run it seems easy and I feel I can run for a long time, but other times it’s hard just to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Life can be very similar; some days are easy and fun but some days we just struggle, and there often seems to be no end in sight.

The part of this passage that really stands out to me is that God is there for us and He will give us power and renew our strength. When I struggle during a long race, sometimes I wonder, exactly why am I doing this? Wouldn’t it have been better to have slept late this morning instead?  But I know I can ask God for help and He will guide me and give me strength, just as he does in my everyday life.

As I write this, it’s been about a year since the Covid19 pandemic began. Like a lot of people, I’ve been working from home, wearing a mask when I go out, and following the guidelines. This pandemic is also like a long race; we seem to be making progress but the finish line is not yet in sight. Some days things go very well, but some days it’s a just a struggle to keep moving. But God is always there for us and we can go to Him and He will renew our strength and we can continue to “run and not be weary.”

Dear Lord, thank you for being there for us and loving us as we run our race here on earth.  Thank you for renewing our strength when we grow weary or faint. Please watch over us and guide us through this time of pandemic. Amen

Lent Devotion 2020

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or lose heart.

Hebrews 12:1-3

There are several passages in the Bible that compare living our lives to running a race and this is my favorite one. Just as in life, a race can have parts where it is easy and fun, and parts where things can be difficult. And the goal is to reach the finish line. In a race this might mean a T-shirt, a finisher’s medal and perhaps a complimentary adult beverage, but as we live our lives, the ultimate goal is God’s promise of eternal life.

The word the I like the most in this passage is “perseverance.” To me, running with perseverance means running with determination and patience. It’s not really about physical ability but more about my mindset as I run. I try to deal with the challenges and distractions as they come up, and remain focused on what’s happening now. Or to put it another way, I try to “run the mile I’m in.” When I’m struggling during a long run and have to stop to walk for a while, perseverance is what gets me running again.

We also need to live our lives with perseverance. We need both patience and determination because there will be times when we struggle. And in the good times, we should be mindful of our goal and not get distracted. We need to be able to “run the mile we’re in” and not worry or get discouraged, but trust that God will help us finish our race and reach our heavenly goal.

Dear Lord, thank you for being there for us as we run our earthly race. Help us not to grow weary or faint of heart, but to run with perseverance and trust in You, secure in the knowledge that You love us. Amen.

Under the Greenwood Tree

Under the Greenwood TreeUnder the Greenwood Tree by Thomas Hardy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Under the Greenwood Tree (1872) is the second published novel by Thomas Hardy, and it’s the first of his novels of “character and environment.” Set in Hardy’s Wessex in the 1840s, we meet a young schoolmistress, Fancy Day, and the three men who are attracted to her: Dick Dewy, a local lad, a prosperous farmer Shiner, and Reverend Maybold. Dick is also a member of the choir that performs at the parish church in the village of Mellstock. Reverend Maybold plans to bring change to his parish by replacing the choir with a modern organ, played by Fancy.

Like his later novels, the change in the age-old patterns of rural life plays a role in this story. But in Under the Greenwood Tree, it is entwined with a love story, and indeed in many places the story of Fancy and her men overshadows the changes that are coming to rural life in Wessex.

I liked this book; it is in many ways easier to read than Hardy’s later novels – for one thing, it is considerably shorter! And it is a happier story, with a happy ending.

Return of a King, The Battle for Afghanistan, 1839-42

Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan, 1839-42Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan, 1839-42 by William Dalrymple
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Return of a King is the story of the First Afghan War. This is, more or less, the beginning of the “Great Game” in which Russia and the British competed for influence in Central Asia. The British send an expedition to Kabul to oust the Amir, Dost Mohammed, and replace him with Shah Shuja, who would presumably follow the British lead.

The short story is that the British expedition does reach Kabul, Shah Shuja is installed as king, and then the British make a series of unforced errors, which undercut their own standing and also that of Shah Shuja. This leads to resistance on the part of the Afghans, and eventually to an open revolt in Kabul. The British army attempts to retreat back to India but is destroyed. It is an amazing story, and it brings to mind the events in Afghanistan of the last twenty or so years.

The author has written an excellent narrative of the campaign. The use of primary sources from both the British and the Afghan sides really makes the story come alive. The maps and the list of “dramatis personae” are a big help in keeping things straight as the campaign proceeds. I also liked the Author’s Note at the end; it’s definitely worth reading – the parallels between the First Afghan War and the events of the last twenty years are enough to make one believe the old adage of history repeating itself.

I highly recommend this book. I really learned quite a bit by reading it, and it is very well written and a pleasure to read.

One further note: one of my favorite series of books is the Flashman series of historical novels by George MacDonald Fraser. The first book in the series, Flashman, is set during the First Afghan War. And this is book that sparked my interest in Central Asia and led me to read Return of a King.

Westmorland Park

Westmorland Park shelter on December 31, 2021

Westmorland Park on December 31, 2021

Westmorland Park is another City of Madison park. The official address is 4114 Tokay Boulevard, which is four or five blocks east of Midvale Boulevard. It’s a relatively small park, bounded by Tokay Boulevard, Gately Terrace, Park Lane and St. Clair Street.

While it is a small park, there are basketball and tennis courts, some walking paths, both paved and unpaved, and a very nice shelter. In the winter there is a skating rink and there are some small hills that are suitable for sledding.

I enjoy walking in the Westmorland Park neighborhood a lot; the parkj is very nice but kind of small, but the neighborhood is just a nice place for a walk. Here is a map of one of my recent walks:

Walking route near Westmorland Park on 2021-12-31.

I usually park near Midvale Community Lutheran Church and then I walk down Wakefield Street to Leeds Street, and from there I take one of the walkways to Chatham Terrace. On this walk I took the walkway towards Odana Road. From Odana Road, I walked down to Anthony Lane and from there to Tokay Boulevard. Then I just followed Tokay to Park Lane, passing Westmorland Park on my left.

Just before crossing the street to walk up Park Lane, Tillotson Park is on the right. It’s really more of a neighborhood green space than a true park, but there is a path that leads to the Southwest Commuter bike path.

After walking up Park Lane and turning left onto St. Clair Street, the park is just on the left. There’s a nice paved path that leads through the park, past the shelter and ends at Tokay Boulevard. From here I just walk back along Tokay to where I parked the car.

Review: The Inugami Curse

The Inugami Curse (Detective Kosuke Kindaichi, #2)The Inugami Curse by Seishi Yokomizo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Inugami Curse is another book in the Detective Kindachi series by Seishi Yokomizo. It is set in post-war Japan in the 1940s. The wealthy head of the Inugami family dies of natural causes and his children and grandchildren gather for the reading of his will. The will contains a number of very unusual conditions for who will inherit the Inugami fortune, and this leads to a series of murders.

I really don’t want to say much more, for fear of spoiling it. But I will say that it is a very well constructed mystery with many clues and red herrings along the way. I really enjoyed reading it and I did not figure out the mystery before it was revealed by Detective Kindachi at the end of the book.

This is the second book of the series to be published in English. I definitely recommend it and I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series as it becomes available in English.

Review: The Premonition

The Premonition: A Pandemic StoryThe Premonition: A Pandemic Story by Michael Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve read a quite a few of Michael Lewis’s previous books and so it was an easy choice to pick up this one. The topic this time is pandemics, and once again, he does not disappoint his readers. We start with a middle school student’s science fair project, which leads to some mathematical modeling of pandemics, and eventually to the interest by President George W Bush in the influenza pandemic of 1918.

Bush created a small group to look at how should the US respond to a pandemic. And this small group of doctors eventually became “the Wolverines” who kept in touch as they changed jobs. And when the Covid19 pandemic began the Wolverines were on top of it, but as the blurb on the book jacket says “…they did not have official permission to implement their work.”

It’s a very interesting and compelling book. I certainly learned a lot about the health care establishment in the US, and how the CDC fits in, or doesn’t fit in. The one issue I have with the book is that it just kind of drifts to an end in the middle of 2020 – the presidential election and the vaccine rollout are still in the future at that point. So there is no big finish, but I still recommend this book. It’s an interesting look at the US response to the pandemic.