I’ve got a number of weather related links that I’ve found to be useful. I’ve tried to group them geographically.
- MadisonWeather.com
- National Weather Service hourly conditions in Madison
- National Weather Service Madison page
- National Weather Service Daily Climatological Report for Madison
- Weather page from WISC in Madison
- Hourly local forecast for Madison
- Weather page from WBAY in Green Bay
- MG&E power outage map
- Accuweather’s Middleton page
- Canadian weather from Environment Canada
- Forecast for Calgary Alberta from Environment Canada
- Weather Network’s forecast for Banff, Alberta
- Weather forecast for Tokyo from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
- Japanese Weather Forecast for Travelers from the Japan National Tourist Organization
- Japan Meteorological Agency
- Weather forecast for Berlin Germany from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
- Forecast for Munich Germany
Weather Radio
- General weather radio info from NOAA
- County coverage and codes for Wisconsin