Author Archives: joe

Review: The Black Prince

The Black Prince: England's Greatest Medieval WarriorThe Black Prince: England’s Greatest Medieval Warrior by Michael Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Black Prince is the story of Edward, Prince of Wales who was the eldest son of Edward III. Edward was born in 1330 and died in 1376. Edward III died the following year, so the Black Prince never became king; his son Richard II became king in 1377.

The Black Prince is remembered today mostly for his actions at the battle of Crecy (with his father), and his victory at Poiters. But in most modern histories of this era, he is just a cardboard figure. In this biography the author tries to show something of the man behind the image. And I think for the most part the author succeeds; we learn for example, that the Prince was very religious and devoted to his wife. And the Prince and his father did not always see eye to eye on policy – hence the Spanish campaign on behalf of Pedro the Cruel, which the Prince was very much opposed to.

One item that the author does discuss in detail is the Sack of Limoges during the Prince’s last campaign. The Prince is often held responsible for a massacre of civilians when the city was re-taken by English forces. As the author points out, this is just not the way that things happened, and he shows the inconsistencies in the various stories.

There still are a few mysteries. Nobody is sure why Edward was called the “Black Prince” – there is plenty of conjecture, and it does not seem to have been used during his lifetime, but that’s all we know for sure. And we also don’t know what the disease caused his death. Again, there are many theories, but nothing is certain.

I enjoyed this book – I think it sheds some valuable light of the life of an important figure in medieval history. if you are interested in this period of English and French history, I think you will enjoy this book.

Review: The Honjin Murders

The Honjin Murders (Detective Kosuke Kindaichi, #1)The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Honjin Murders is a mystery novel set in Japan in the late 1930s. It is a classic “locked room” mystery story written in the 1940s and only recently translated into English. It is a great story, revolving around the murders of a couple on their wedding night. There is really not much more that I want to say about the plot for fear of giving something away, but as I mentioned above it is a locked room kind of mystery with plenty of twists and turns, and a few red herrings. The mystery kept me guessing all the way to the end.

This is the introduction of the author’s detective Kosuke Kindaichi, who is instrumental in solving the case, when the police investigation becomes bogged down. There are another 76 books in the Kosuke Kindaichi series, and I’m looking forward to reading them as they become available in English. And I will say that the translator for this book did an excellent job.

I definitely recommend this book – it’s an entertaining and well-written mystery.

Review: Richard III: The Self-Made King

Richard III: The Self-Made KingRichard III: The Self-Made King by Michael Hicks
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Richard III: The Self-Made King is a fairly exhaustive study of how Richard lived and worked, both as the Duke of Gloucester and later as King of England. The real focus here is on what he did and how he managed things, so it is not so much of a biography as as study of how Richard wielded power. So it is not the typical book on Richard III.

The focus on Richard’s manner of governing can be a little distracting, so I would not necessarily recommend this book for someone who has not read a more narrative biography of Richard. But there are many interesting details that come out in the author’s analysis of Richard, both as duke and as king. The book is more like an academic book as opposed to one meant for a broader audience; but I did appreciate the footnotes and references.

There are many insights along the way, and one that I found interesting was that one of the problems for Richard as king, was that there was very few members of the royal family and so it was not easy for him to project the power of the monarchy. This is especially true after the death of his son Edward. Of course had Richard been the victor at Bosworth, this would not have mattered.

So, I have somewhat mixed feelings about the book – it is an in-depth look at Richard’s abilities to manage and overcome obstacles, and there is a lot of information here. On the other hand, there narrative is somewhat weak, and it may be somewhat confusing for readers who do not have a solid background in this area of English history

Review: Zero Fail

Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret ServiceZero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service by Carol Leonnig
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Zero Fail covers the history of the Secret Service’s presidential protection detail from the Kennedy years up to the inauguration of President Biden. There is some information about the early years of the Secret Service, and some discussion of the field offices and the other duties of the Secret Service, but the main focus is on how the president is protected. It is a fascinating story, to say the least.

The book is organized around incidents where the Secret Service had to deal with threats of one sort or another, for example, the response of the detail protecting President Bush on 9/11 or the night that someone shot at the White House in 2011. In each situation we learn not just the details of the incident, but how the Secret Service learned a lesson, or in some cases, didn’t learn. The sad thing is that we see that the Secret Service has been chronically underfunded, which affects both the people and the technology that is used. And often, just plain luck has kept a minor incident from becoming a major tragedy.

I definitely recommend this book. The author has done a good job in telling the story, and I mentioned, it is a fascinating story.

Review: V2

V2: A Novel of World War IIV2: A Novel of World War II by Robert Harris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

V2 is the latest novel from Robert Harris, set in late 1944. We follow two people, a German rocket scientist, Rudi Graf, and an English intelligence officer, Kay Caton-Walsh, in alternate chapters. I’m not really sold on the alternating chapter style of narrative – I’ve seen it fail and become distracting several times – but the author makes it work here.

We follow Rudi as he helps launch V2 rockets at London from the occupied Netherlands, and we follow Kay as she joins a unit that tries to calculate the V2’s launching point based on radar data. I really don’t want to say much more than that for fear of spoiling it, but let me just say that both of the stories are very interesting and of course they are intertwined. It’s definitely a good read and it really kept my interest.

I appreciated the author’s inclusion in his Acknowledgements of a bibliography concerning the V2 and the missile campaign of 1944.

Marion Park in Prairie du Sac

Marion Park is in Prairie du Sac, though it is only a block or two from Sauk City. The land for the park was donated to the village of Prairie du Sac by Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Jacobs in 1894 and the park is named in honor of their daughter Marion. The official address of the park is 145 1st Street, and it sits on a large block that is bounded by 1st Street, Grand Avenue, 5th Street and Lincoln Avenue. Grand Avenue Elementary School is on the block adjacent to the park, and a public outdoor pool is on the corner of Grand Ave and 5th Street. The old Sauk Prairie HospitalĀ  it kitty-corner from the park, at 1st Street and Lincoln Ave.

The park has a disc golf course, shelter house and other amenities. It’s probably most famous for being the site of the annual Wisconsin State Cow Chip Throw & Festival on Labor Day weekend. I usually run in the Cow Chip 10 K race every year.

Here is a typical walking route:

Walking route in Marion Park on 2021-02-28

I usually park in Sauk City on Helen Street by the parking lot for the old hospital. I walk on Helen Street to Oak Street – Oak Street is the dividing line between Prairie du Sac and Sauk City. I head west on Oak Street for a block until I get to Washington Street (Sauk City) or 1st Street (Prairie du Sac) and I turn right and walk past the old hospital to Marion Park. On this walk I just walked around the boundary of the park beginning at the corner of 1st Street and Lincoln Ave and proceeded counterclockwise. When it’s not winter, there is an available paved path from 1st Street to the shelter house and then to the playground area behind Grand Avenue School.

Note that not all of the streets have sidewalks on both sides! When I got back to the starting corner, I walked down Lincoln Ave to Helen Street and then headed back to the car past the old hospital.

The total distance is about 1.2 miles.

Rennebohm Park

Rennebohm Park is another City of Madison park. Its official location is 115 N Eau Claire Avenue. Its is sort of a long and narrow park that is bounded by N Eau Claire Avenue, N Segoe Road, Regent Street and a series of apartment buildings that face Sheboygan Avenue. The Sheboygan Community Garden is in the park, along with a shelter house that is accessible from N Eau Claire Avenue.

The park is named after Oscar Rennebohm who served as lieutenant governor and governor of Wisconsin and later served on the UW Board of Regents. He died in 1968.

I enjoy walking in Rennebohm Park – the paths are all paved and there are usually quite a few people out walking, or playing soccer or on the tennis courts. Here’s a map showing a typical walk.

Walking route in Rennebohm Park on 2021-02-25

I usually park along Eau Claire Avenue, near the intersection with Sheboygan Avenue. then I walk along Eau Claire Avenue to Regent Street and then head east along Regent to the second paved path. This loops back a bit and then heads east to Segoe Road behind some apartment buildings. Then up Segoe Road to Sheboygan Avenue and back to the car. On this walk I made a little diversion through the American Red Cross parking lot.

This walk was about 1.4 miles. It’s easy to lengthen the walk a little by walking on Door Drive and Buffalo Trail.

Winnequah Park

Winnequah Park is located in the City of Monona on the southeastern side of Lake Monona. The park is fairly large and continas a lot of facilities, including ball fields and outdoor pool. The Monona Library, Community Center and Police Department are adjacent to the park, as is Winnequah Elementary School.

I first became aware of Winnequah Park in the 1990s because it is on the “Lake Loop” bicycle route that goes around Lake Monona. Winnequah Park also hosts the Lake Monona 20 K race in May. I’ve run the race several times, but something odd always seems to happen whenever I run it.

Anyway, here’s a typical walk around the park:

Walking route in Winnequah Park in Monona on 2021-01-11

I usually park in the parking area on Healy Lane near the playground. I typically head south on Healy Lane to Winnequah Road. The basic route is just a loop around the southern part of the park, so I just follow Winnequah Land around until I reach Nichols Road and then return to my car on Healy Lane.

I often make an excursion to one or two of the smaller parks that are nearby. On this occasion I turned left on Wyldhaven Avenue to Wyldhaven Park. It’s a small park with access to Lake Monona and great view of downtown Madison. I then walked on Tonyawatha Trail to Arrowhead Park, which has a playground but not much of a view. I walked down Vogts Lane to Winnequah Road then over to Nichols Road and back to the parking area on Healy Lane.

Depending on the exact route, the walk is between 1.0 and 1.4 miles. It’s mostly flat but it is uphill towards both Wyldhaven and Arrowhead parks.

Esther Beach

Esther Beach Park is located on the south shore of Lake Monona in Madison. It has a nice beach and a new shelter house (constructed in 2018) and a pretty amazing view of downtown Madison across the lake. The official address of the park is 2802 Waunona Way.

There’s not much to say about the park itself; it’s really a pretty small park and it’s all about the beach. It’s kind of like Spring Harbor Beach Park on Lake Mendota.

Here is my usual walking route:

Route map of Esther Beach PArk and the surrounding area

Walking route in the Esther Beach area on 2020-12-07

I park in the small lot at Esther Beach when possible, but sometimes it’s just easier to park on Esther Beach Road. I head up Esther Beach Road towards the Beltline and then turn right onto Nana Lane. I continue on Nana Lane past Ethelwyn Road, and which point Nana Lane magically becomes Harriman Lane. I have no idea why the name changes at this point. I follow Harriman Lane to the intersection with Waunona Way. I usually will turn left and walk to the end of Waunona Way and then onto the Capital City Bike Path for a bit. Then I turn around and head back to Esther Beach on Waunona Way.

The total walk is about 1.2 or 1.3 miles. It is uphill on Esther Beach Road and the first part of Nana Lane, but otherwise it’s mostly rolling hills along Waunona Way.

Note that Thut Park is located close to this route; it’s along Nana Lane and east of Esther Beach Road.

Wexford Park

Wexford Park is located in the City of Madison, bounded by Westfield Road and Sawmill Road; the official address is 1201 N Westfield Road. It is also connected to Longmeadow Road by a path which leads to Stricker’s Pond Conservancy Park.

The wooded area of the park is between the shelter area and the houses along Longmeadow Road. The paved path from Longmeadow Road winds through the wooded area and intersects with several non-paved paths the go through the woods. The path comes out near the shelter house and it is a little steep as it approaches the shelter, so bike riders should be carefulĀ  when heading down the hill.

Here is a typical walk in Wexford Park:

Route map of Wexford Park and the surrounding area

Walking route in Wexford Park on 2020-12-04

I park along Longmeadow Road in the same area where I park when walking around Stricker’s Pond. I head up the Wexford Park Path through the woods to the shelter area, and at the split in the paved path I turn left and walk to Sawmill Road. Then I turn right and follow Sawmill to the intersection with Westfield Road where I again turn right. I continue until I reach the path and head back towards the shelter and playground area. I turn left to go back down the paved path into the woods, but I turn left again at the first non-paved path. I follow this through the woods until I get back to Westfield Road. Then I just continue on the road until I reach another paved path that leads back to Longmeadow Road, and then it’s just back to the car.

The total walk is just over a mile, but it could easily be combined with a loop around Stricker’s Pond to make a two mile walk.