
Welcome to my blog, such as it is. I don’t post on a regular basis – sometimes it’s months between articles, but sometimes there are several posts in a week. I am trying to post more consistently, but we’ll see how that goes.

I write on a lot of different topics. It might be something that I’m interested in, or something I read, or something that happened at work or at home. Or maybe it’s about an activity that I’ve taken part in, like a race or a bike ride.

But why is it called Building 38? Well, it’s a long story, but the short version is that many years ago I was a graduate student at MIT. Beginning in my second year, I shared an office with other grad students in Building 38. Most buildings at MIT are referred to by number and not by name, or at least that was true during my years there.

This office in Building 38 was where I did my research; more importantly it was where I learned that I loved to solve problems using computers. And I still do!

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