Wexford Park

Wexford Park is located in the City of Madison, bounded by Westfield Road and Sawmill Road; the official address is 1201 N Westfield Road. It is also connected to Longmeadow Road by a path which leads to Stricker’s Pond Conservancy Park.

The wooded area of the park is between the shelter area and the houses along Longmeadow Road. The paved path from Longmeadow Road winds through the wooded area and intersects with several non-paved paths the go through the woods. The path comes out near the shelter house and it is a little steep as it approaches the shelter, so bike riders should be careful  when heading down the hill.

Here is a typical walk in Wexford Park:

Route map of Wexford Park and the surrounding area

Walking route in Wexford Park on 2020-12-04

I park along Longmeadow Road in the same area where I park when walking around Stricker’s Pond. I head up the Wexford Park Path through the woods to the shelter area, and at the split in the paved path I turn left and walk to Sawmill Road. Then I turn right and follow Sawmill to the intersection with Westfield Road where I again turn right. I continue until I reach the path and head back towards the shelter and playground area. I turn left to go back down the paved path into the woods, but I turn left again at the first non-paved path. I follow this through the woods until I get back to Westfield Road. Then I just continue on the road until I reach another paved path that leads back to Longmeadow Road, and then it’s just back to the car.

The total walk is just over a mile, but it could easily be combined with a loop around Stricker’s Pond to make a two mile walk.


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