Review: The Fifth Risk

The Fifth RiskThe Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Fifth Risk is a set of true stories about the parts of the Federal government and some of the people who work for it. It is also the story of the transition between the Obama and Trump administrations. I found the book to be fascinating as it explains about the work done by the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Commerce, especially NOAA. Very interesting stuff – some of the things that these departments are responsible for are surprising. Well, surprising to me at least.

One constant thread through the stories is the apparent failure of the Trump transition team to take the transition seriously. I won’t go into any details because of potential spoilers, though if you keep up with current events there is nothing here that would surprise you.

The author does a good job of telling the stories; I’ve enjoyed several of his previous works. I really enjoy his writing style. I recommend this book – it’s definitely worth reading if you are interested in politics or government.

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