The Land of Beyond

This is one of my favorite poems. I first heard it in 1999 on vacation in the Canadian Rockies when one of our tour guides read it when we were having lunch at the top of Sentinel Pass.

The Land of Beyond by Robert W. Service

Rainbow in the Canadian Rockies

Rainbow in the Canadian Rockies

Have ever you heard of the Land of Beyond,
   That dreams at the gates of the day?
Alluring it lies at the skirts of the skies,
   And ever so far away;
Alluring it calls: O ye the yoke galls,
   And ye of the trail overfond,
With saddle and pack, by paddle and track,
   Let’s go to the Land of Beyond!

Have ever you stood where the silences brood,
   And vast the horizons begin,
At the dawn of the day to behold far away
   The goal you would strive for and win?
Yet ah! in the night when you gain to the height,
   With the vast pool of heaven star-spawned,
Afar and agleam, like a valley of dream,
   Still mocks you a Land of Beyond.

Thank God! there is always a Land of Beyond
   For us who are true to the trail;
A vision to seek, a beckoning peak,
   A fairness that never will fail;
A pride in our soul that mocks at a goal,
   A manhood that irks at a bond,
And try how we will, unattainable still,
   Behold it, our Land of Beyond!

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